Mini-Circuits’ ZXF90A-3-34X+ is a wideband active frequency multiplier, converting input frequencies from 6 to 12 GHz into output frequencies from 18 to 36 GHz. Its wide output range makes this model suitable for broadband systems, as well as a wide variety of narrow-band applications. The ZXF90A-3-34X+ utilizes MCLs’ own GaAs HBT LVA-273PN-D+ MMIC amplifier to drive MCLs’ own GaAs HBT CY3-453-D+ frequency tripler. The fundamental, 2nd and 3rd harmonics are suppressed further through use of MCLs’ integrated reflectionless filters, XLF-962-DG+ & XHF-1832-DG+. The ultra-low additive phase noise of the LVA-273PN-D+ (-167 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz Offset) makes this a great LO driver, or source for chipset testing.