MCDI - Mini-Circuits Exclusive Representative in Israel




• wideband, output 14 to 40 GHz
• low conversion loss, 13 dB typ.
• high fundamental & harmonic suppression,
F1, 30 dBc typ.; F3, 30 dBc typ.


Product Overview Mini-Circuits’ CY2-44-D+ is an ultra-wideband MMIC frequency doubler, converting input frequencies from 7 to 20 GHz into output frequencies from 14 to 40 GHz. Its wide output range makes this model suitable for broadband systems as well as a wide variety of narrowband applications. Utilizing GaAs HBT technology, the multiplier offers excellent repeat- ability. CY2-44-D+ The Big Deal Ultra-wideband, output from 14 to 40 GHz Wide input power range, +12 to +18 dBm Low conversion loss, 13 dB Good fundamental and harmonic suppression: F1, 30 dBc; F3, 30 dBc 50 Output 14 to 40 GHz

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