MCDI - Mini-Circuits Exclusive Representative in Israel




• 5.0 dB Slope
• Small Package 2 x 2 mm MCLP
• Wide Bandwidth, DC-6 GHz
• Excellent Return Loss, 20 dB typ


Product Overview
EQY series of absorptive Gain Equalizers are fabricated using highly repetitive GaAs IPD* MMIC process
incorporating resistors, capacitors and inductors having negative insertion loss slope. EQYs are available
with nominal attenuation slope of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8 & 10 dB. They are packaged in tiny 2 x 2 mm 8-Lead
Feature Advantages
Negative Insertion Loss Slope vs.
Useful for compesating negative gain slope of amplifiers, receivers, transmitters to
achieve flat gain versus frequency.
Wide range of values
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8 & 10 dB
Enables circuit designer to change nominal insertion loss values without mother-
board redesign making the EQY series ideal for select at test application.
Wideband operation, DC to 6 GHz
Supports a wide array of applications including wireless cellular, microwave communi-
cations, satellite, defense and aerospace, medical broadband and optic applications.
Excellent Power Handling Capability
31/32 dBm
Enables its use at the output of a variety of amplfiers
Small Size and simple to use
(2 mm x 2 mm)
As a single chip solution, the EQY series occupies less board space than a lumped
element approach, minimizes component count and ensures repeatable perfor-
mance over wide frequency range.

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One last thing...


Before you leave, you should know that MCDI’s professional team of Application Engineers  will be delighted to assist you in sourcing the right component. Just fill the form and we will be back to you shortly.