MCDI - Mini-Circuits Exclusive Representative in Israel




• Wide frequency range, 2 to 18 GHz
• Good coupling flatness, ±0.4 dB typ.
• Good directivity, 17 dB typ. up to 18 GHz
• Good return loss, 17 dB typ. up to 18 GHz
• DC current pass through input to output


Product Overview
The Mini-Circuits ZUDC family of wideband directional couplers offers exceptional performance spanning
frequencies from 2 to 18 GHz. Available in models with 10, 15, 20, and 30 dB coupling, these couplers
provide excellent coupling flatness, good directivity, and power handling up to 20W. They are ideal for lab
testing applications as well as for power monitoring over wide bands, among other applications.
Feature Advantages
Wide bandwidth
With a bandwidth spanning 2 to 18 GHz, ZUDC couplers are ideal for most lab testing
applications, avoiding the need to switch components for different frequency bands.
Excellent Directivity
20 dB typ. up to 18 GHz
High directivity allows sampling of input powers with minimal detrimental effects due to
output mismatches.
Excellent coupling flatness
+0.4 dB typ. up to 18 GHz
Excellent coupling flatness over the entire frequency range eliminates the need for
compensation circuits in most cases.
Good Return Loss
20 dB typ. up to 18 GHz
Good return loss over 2 to 18 GHz minimizes undesired reflections and resulting ampli-
tude ripple.

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One last thing...


Before you leave, you should know that MCDI’s professional team of Application Engineers  will be delighted to assist you in sourcing the right component. Just fill the form and we will be back to you shortly.